Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{the kiss}
  godfrey logan

A kiss like that can take you places like Sunday service. For being a
terrible flirt. Rashon leaves her Bible open on her desk and quotes
passages much to the chagrin of management but they're afraid to do anything

to upset her God.
But the flesh is weak and she reads now from the "Song Of Songs." "Let him
kiss me with the kisses of his mouth for thy love is better than wine. His
left hand under my head. His right hand doth embrace me. A bundle of Myrrh

is my beloved unto me. He shall lie all night betwixt my breast." With
rapt breath. Less what was taken with the kiss. He speaks as his spirit
compels him. "Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet. Thy speech is comely.

Honey and milk are under thy tongue." A kiss like that will take you
places. Like a south side address. Off stoney island where tokens of faith

are in disarray. Black limbs and whims tossing aside spiritual exhortation.

They lay in a repentant stupor at the conclusion.