Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{the absence of psychosis}
  benjamin nardolilli

I do not fear neighborly death,
Death that comes and sits besides me,
Take sup a house and cultivates
A garden, waiting for me
To become pierced and tangled
In the machinery of everyday life,

Nor death that hides under the earth
And wears a blanket, awakened
Only by hubris or ignorance,
Or even the unlucky toss
Of God’s crooked dice,

I only look at for the death I can wear,
Death that comes playfully to me
And dangles from my fingertips,
That lets me think I am the puppeteer and
When his cold plow falls for the harvest,
It is only a game, the blood drawn
Is only syrup and dye, no spirit is lost,

I fear death as a fitting
And gentle as a glove,
At rest with the world, no struggle,
The end coming to me through my own hand,
Yet leaving no fingerprints on the gun.