![]() In the less than two years that Dualistics have been around: They have played a sold-out Red Rocks and Gothic Theater. They have opened for The Fray and for the Flobots. Very few acts have these pleasures in a whole career, yet Dualistics have accomplished this in as much time as it took to do all that and record a second album, which is slated for release on January 31 of 2009. There is something about magnetism within all this. Er, if not that then it has to be about the formula. No? Certainly there has to be scientific about their quick rise. Clearly, science has shown us that finding patterns will enhance our modes of living. And scientific processes have illustrated that when we take in information, we do so with some cognitive precepts. One of those being the mechanism of polarity; and processing information in binaries. We see things in black and white, positive and negative. In processing the external world, we recognize patterns. Duality is another way of talking about one of these useful, navigation processes. However, I’m not so sure it was on account of some dichotomy and magnetic force why Dualistics (Jimmy Stofer, Bass/Vox; Scott Russell, Drums; Charley Hine, Guitar/Vox; Tyler Despres, Guitar/Vox) are standing where they are. The band did begin as a pair. The twosome of Jimmy Stofer and Scott Russell. Hence, the name. Then they mutated and added Charley Hine and Tyler Despres. And on account of that – the name, Dualistics probably even holds more dihydrogen monoxide as the band is looking back toward their center, the space in-between the four of them, for the even number. With their 2009 release (self titled), Dualistics have taken the time to refine what has escalated so quickly. The EP is strong, with arcing guitar lines and moments of dynamite in a dusty box. The guitars are big, the groove is fat and rolling. Evident is also a pop sensibility for melody and song structure. And where they can flood you with their sonic overdrive, Dualistic’s highwater mark of the album would have to be the spacious “Taking the Time” – a beautiful piece that warns one, despite what you do - not much may ease your mind. The drums are at their climax in this piece and the sense of dynamics and stops will arrest any excuse you can find in the song. “Pure Sorcery” prepares you for the rollercoaster with a swirling ascent of guitar. Then it drops you in, pulling you back out only for a quick breath. Like that, Dualistics’ pace is unrelenting in the way that you’ve been jumped in the alley and hadn’t seen it coming from the weeks before when you were warned. In the end, Dualistics may just be enjoying the ride. That which has come to them, they have also been drawn to it. Right now it seems that they’re keeping it simple where they can: write, play and record and let everything else fall into place. And like cognitive categories of opposites – keeping it simple might be the trick. In the end, maybe this is what rock n’ roll is best at holding near its chest: the idea that, if you find a part of yourself to share, do – and hopefully that part is the one that others enjoy as well. For more, stay tuned with Dualistics, the release of their new album and the future clubs and theaters they will certainly destroy: www.myspace.com/dualistics. |