Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{the girl next door}
  peycho kanev

the girl next door is a whore

she looks like a distress goddess
with empty eyes

during the whole summer she goes out
to her back yard
and took long sun baths
lying there in the big chair
almost nude
the big breast out
the whole body glimmering
covered with sunscreen
she sits there for hours and
just watch the sky
later at night
in front of her house
some expensive car will park:
BMW, Mercedes, Volvo
and there will be a man in his late 50’s
with pig face
dressed in fine suit
sucking big cigar
and he will go to her door
and knock quietly

in some of this long summer afternoons
I go out in my back yard and sit in my chair
my radio plays some sad music
and I just drink my wine for hours
and I just watch her body thru the cracks
in the fence

one afternoon
after a few wine bottles under the useless sun
I saw her over the fence
looking at me

What’s wrong with you-she said

What do you mean?

You just sit there for hours and drink and
listen to this crap music and vomit on the grass.
Are you all right?

and I just look at her
at these empty eyes
at these perfect hands and
at this shining body

and I just nod.

the greatest mistake of the men is
when we see some perfect shape
with empty soul
we try to
fill it up

and sometimes we can
and sometimes