Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{salty art}
  amy king

I’m going to get my book, lose cookies
and fake poem. There’s room for so much
clout, I don’t know serious from a hole
in the agile exile of me. No one on the train
is looking at the same Loyal
magazines I read, their lucid line drawings and bras
painted on. These too, these pandas will
have to change stops. They think the conductor has
arranged a special exit for evening birds, they discuss.
It simply isn’t a stand-up case of awake
due to hearing happy wounds. They hurt.
The outside olive’s fleeing me
down the third rail, but also following reflection-like
the Long Island road, the log to ride that was
the year I found Crystal Gayle and her hair
enmeshed through the bastard bars of Frida Kahlo.
Lungs ripping, hearts in triple time double down,
they save the best for real museums.
I’ll report back with the rest. Relax for now.