Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{the leaving}
  jess burnquist

Thousands of clouds have dissipated
Since I sat on the white hood of your Galaxy
Gripping the most forbidden part in my hand
Piloting us into adulthood. Aren’t we
Just like nesting dolls?

The girl inside me becomes smaller, just like
Shells harden beneath a glossy exterior.

You think I left you for someone else
So I allowed that to become your story.
During our night in the desert
I dreamt of you boarding a train without me.
Your brown hair grew rapidly, my voice failed
While the whistle signaled for speed.

I am just now waking to the pace of this life.
Travel doesn’t slow time, neither does
Staying in one place. We’re not

Done with one another
And perhaps it will be a dream when after all of this
You pry apart my aging wooden selves and I begin
Crackling from a faint memory of roads.