Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
  michael bazzett

Have you noticed
the word solitude,
how lovely it sounds?

The almost-kiss of the T
and the crooning you.
Given your discretion,

I imagine it’s likely
you’ve also noticed the word
isolation isn’t lovely:

the despair of the I
moving toward desolation.
It’s good to share this

with you, here in the kitchen
a cup of green tea sending
steam into the light, turning

the way two hands might
in continuation of a gesture.
Or perhaps the tendrils

move like fingers of rain
if rain had fingers.
It could be beautiful

but you’re not here
to help figure it
so I’ll decide alone

upon the twining hands,
because this is a prayer
and you are the unknown

god out there on the couch
or maybe standing in the aisle
your scarf beginning to unravel

as you look for something
necessary in the slender volume
barely trembling in your hand.