Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
  peter fernbach

A philosophy to avoid for most, but for me
The best protection against laws and ethics
Slated towards the already bloated. At conception
We are all initiated into the war of all against all.
Baby’s body engages in the eternal struggle
For resources: an impulse towards war -
An impulse which, at best, begets
New technologies (for transportation, communication)
Or, at worst, new ways to slaughter ourselves
(Neutron bombs and blitzkriegs).
How is any one in this sea of the equally needy
To provide for themselves without ramparts, weapons, fences?
This is, perhaps, too extreme a view.
After all, it was sweet Ms. Stockmire
Who, in the first grade, taught me
That sharing is a form of receiving –
And, with her arm around my heaving frame
I thought I also felt the virtue of forgiveness
Towards dirty faced Tommy who had
Smashed my artwork with his heavy fist.
But the forthright mediator is not here
And my detractors aren’t just sloppy Philistines:
They are shrewd and exacting
And wear smiles until all of the blood is drained.
O, America with the “HUGE” deals on cars -
Grasping for credit with one hand
While scooping up discounted furniture with the other –
You are like Tommy’s alcoholic father –
In a trance that renders up down and down up:
Just one more one more one more
That will be the cure.
The furniture of the world should be
In our service, rather than the
Target of acquisition and study
Beyond usefulness. That’s why
Every time I am pitched a miracle
Or a curve ball I try to remember
That the self is the center of the universe.