Syntax Issue 10
Denver Syntax
{dream life invaders}
  phil ginsburg

I need a restraining order on people
Who keep appearing in my dreams uninvited

An ex-pastor appears at least twice a week in my dreams to remind me
That he died and went to heaven and was allowed to return to earth
To offer a select group of people discount prices
On his time share apartment in Paradise
Located only a block from King David’s condo

I could tell it was just another one of those out-of-the body real estate scams
You read about on the internet

Or Nicole Kidman, who shows up in my dreams at least once a week offering me
Over priced face cream products guaranteed to make me look ten years younger
I asked her if I looked ten years younger
Would she go out with me?

She said she might consider it
I could tell she was just acting and didn’t mean it
I bought the products anyway just to get rid of her

Then there’s Phil Jackson, the former coach of the Los Angeles Lakers, who every so often berates me in front of the entire team for not hustling and getting back on defense

Of course, next year I’ll be a free agent
But I think I might be dreaming that another NBA team will pick up my contract

Oh, and how about this?
Two nights ago, Mr. Duthie, my high school math teacher
(The same Mr. Duthie who flunked me in Algebra I and II)
Shows up in a dream

I asked him how he ended up in my dreams?
He said he found me on “Limbic Links”
It seems for $89.00 a year this website offers a complete dream intrusion course
Called ‘From A to Zzzz’s”
And it’s perfectly legal
Except in Montana

Well, my Mr. Duthie dream was harmless enough
He told me he wanted to play ping pong
And how his wife died and whatever friends
He had left were restless sleepers
Who didn’t dream much about anything anymore

He simply didn’t have anybody else he could ask
I kind of felt sorry for him

Besides, I went to summer school those two years
And made up both courses
I understood the Algebraic applications later in life
After I finally figured out y my x left me for another guy

I played him a game
Let him win
And then told him I had to go

I lied
You can lie in dreams
It goes on all the time

The thing is there’s no dream invasion insurance
You can’t put a pit bull around your subconscious
Or a ring of fire around your rem

With dreams you’re just thrown into a story
With characters you may or may not want to be with
Who often react in ways you have no control over

Come to think of it, my waking life is a lot like that

Thankfully, not all my dreams are invasive, some are heroic
The other night I dreamed I ran into a burning building to rescue people

One of those I saved was Nicole Kidman
I don’t think she recognized me

Probably because I looked ten years younger.