There is always some measure of valor in development. But Jay Vollmar’s process in creating rock posters is an explicitly human one, and for that – we tip our hat.
The rock posters of Jay Vollmar aren’t ordinary digital artwork that is shot-out in heavy press runs – out of a color printer, or off-set printer, cut and stapled onto the nearest wall. No, Vollmar’s careful and deliberate human intervention pits the fallible fingers and steady hands of a man hovering over his mixtures of ink and paper, against the ubiquitous and beloved digital reproductions of our 21st century.
Walk into the Larimer Lounge and, plastered on the walls around you; up above the bar – you will see Vollmar’s striking work. Having produced posters for such national acts as Modest Mouse, Devo, Jucifer, Jolie Holland and local sensations like Munly and the Lee Lewis Harlots, Nightingale, Porlolo, The Swayback and The Love Letter Band – Vollmar has his work all over Denver, and beyond.
And while his process does involve designing pieces and printing-out film positive plates from his computer – Vollmar also employs the silk-screening process – the place where his very human element takes over. And becomes visible. Here, standing over his work table, Vollmar is in his process. His human process: of spreading ink over paper, and making one-of-a-kind prints – each with its own unique signature. Here, Vollmar is just as able of producing anything that any digital printer, or off-set printing press, is capable of: 4-color images, as well as dot-less color blends.
The silk-screening process gained popularity in the rock poster world primarily through the psychedelic and punk rock movement. It has remained an imprint of rock poster art. With its uniquely human element of silk-screening, the posters are often (even just minutely) rough around the edges: This is part of its allure. The analogy with music, most notably with punk rock, is easy to see: It’s about being human, exerting your creative forces and, at times, being rough around the edges – and not being afraid of those torn corners and off-set imprints.
And yes, there is a whole community of rock poster designers, silk-screeners and aficionados. There have been mountains of books written. There are even gatherings, such as Flatstock, which is an annual event. In the end, this whole history is a very sustainable entity – with artists, such as Vollmar, selling their goods – posters from years and years ago.
Vollmar is a part of this tradition of creators and admirers. And while he is, by no means, the oldest designer, his work is among the best produced in Denver. The Art Director at Westword (and responsible for most of the cover art), Vollmar’s compositions are wonderfully daring. His choice of color and texture are remarkably wild, but clean and hearty. Take a look at this Denver artist’s gallery and you will see why Jay Vollmar has remained a highly sought-after designer and silk-screener – and why he will endure, as he has caught the attention of Denver’s notable musicians and artists.
To purchase Jay's prints, go his website at: www.jayvollmar.com