dip of the horizon

j.d. schraffenberger
Note the noise
of the nosing in
of bouncing balls
across the street,
or city buses
fading uphill
and train signals
far away.
Note the upturned
garbage cans
peculiar to this
roll, define
by right of being,
by want of sameness,
by differentia and
standing before the river.
Listen to the cadence
of metal communing,
concise, with other
metals; they elevate
the eyes, we look,
and so the greater
is our depression,
greater the lies.

Horizons encompass;
the depth closes
round about me,
elevate my eyes.
I am a derision
to all my people,
my own name.
And all the eyes
in America,
and all our dying keens
could not have made
this love peaceful.
But still, you must
believe it is peculiar;
trust in variance
and blindness,
and the want
of likeness
will someday heal us.