american movies

david welper
for Dulce and Jeff on July 1, 2004

There will be something great inside you, but for now there’s nothing sadder than a crush that pulls back slowly or an ambulance whipping by from behind.
Which one of you is in a dying situation right now?

You might find ways to get through crying scenes. A new tattoo, a foreign mixed drink on the rocks to prove life is one continuous long shot of possibilities,
having certain body parts pierced.

When I’m at a party complete with gowns or at home with peanut butter ice cream,
I don’t try to explain fashion. Nor do I completely overlook it either. I don’t analyze
the glamorous act of smiling once in a while.

Whichever comes first. I will be a gentleman in a slimming suit taking you out
to a movie where in God we trust, all knocked out elegantly by special effects
twenty minutes at a time.