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In order to have big eyes for the future, you must have a big heart for the past. If her paintings are any indication, Denver artist Jenny Lee has a tremendously large vision for the future.

They’re saying something – the eyes are. I know that they say their the gateway to the soul and everything – but in the face of Lee’s work, the eyes are more about time and what each minute has learned us. At times mangled or sitting in pose, the characters that Jenny Lee has created speak of a history: A past and the present that time has given us.

Jenny Lee’s past is the direct result of the present that she is able to give, through her paintings. Having been raised in a religious and strict environment, Lee apparently didn’t abide by the confines that were supposed to reign her in. Up until the age of 13 she was baptized every year, on account of her wanderings – mostly manifested in her desire to draw.

Idiosyncratic, dark and often maligned, Lee’s work has a voice and an aim. There’s plenty of religious iconography, both apparent and implicit. And from whichever angle you approach the pieces, there is an overwhelming sensation of exercise. As with all mediums of art, it’s the viewer’s responsibility for interpretation. And one of the strongest components that seems to be calling for an interpreter are those eyes. They are in almost every piece. They are in manifold, sometimes in one painting. They speak of those human universals: Pain, suffering, even some torture and yes, redemption.

Inspiring, Lee’s work echoes of all those “can nots” that we have all been bound with, at some time or another.

A recent transplant to the Queen City, Lee has brought her history and a wealth of skills with her. Working as a Graphic Designer and a chalkboard artist, she has her eyes on future. 2006 shows include the Munny show at Capsule and an upcoming exhibition at Th’Ink Tank.

Stay up to date with Lee’s work and upcoming shows at: www.bleedingorchidstudio.com/.