former infatuation

ron androla
i don't know what courtney
love is doing these days.
last i heard she'd been busted
for drugs again but has straightened
up. hard to say. she's rich.
she's really a fine actress, too.
i've maybe written 10 poems
in the past decade for or about
courtney love, but it's been
a long time since the last one.
maybe if i read entertainment
magazines i'd know what
she's doing, what she's
saying. with all those pain-pills
& flung bottles of scotch
she must have been a pain
in the ass, say she phones
you, fucked up like
that. plastered,
on the offense,
yelling & groaning
& admitting
the strangest things
you partially
absorb &
hang up
on her ranting.
she calls back
she's a shotgun
pressing on yr