the genealogy of the bicycle, or maria (a true story)
sean brijbasi
'As a bicycle', he often said, 'I can mingle with the common folk and go unnoticed.'
gino francisco and skipping rope
amy muldoon
He doesn't say much, but he has a secret name for me, and when he whispers it in my ear it feels like dark red velvet.
rolling awake
jonathan bitz
They say it's mine. This name. Like I won it even before I had a chance to decline. Now I have to carry it. Make it mean something.
no more stories
angela jane fountas
They walk through one wall, then another, and another, until they find themselves outdoors, neither hot nor cold, and the world is silent.
bachelorette party
julie payne
Carrie is just like the girls I made fun of in high school. Cute. Preppy. Someone who gives hand jobs because sex is smelly.
aisle 9
jamila johnson
The first time I laid eyes on him I wanted to fuck him. I wanted to ride him from here to Peru. I wanted his toes to curl, his body to buck, and I wanted his ass to be red from the trip.